WORKSHOP | Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava
Dataviz 101 – introduction to data wrangling and visualisation
→ A data processing and visualisation workshop for researchers and designers at Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava.
Based on real-life cases from Medialab Katowice, the workshop participants followed the process of data cleaning and visualisation. They got familiar with popular formats (csv, json, API), tools for data transformation (OpenRefine) and presentation online (Datawrapper). Understanding the principles of visual language helped them create accurate and engaging visualisations.
The workshop involved several blocks devoted to various issues related to data processing and visualization:
- data visualisation workflow and best practices
- visual grammar
- designing offline and online visualisations
- designing online maps (Datawrapper, Carto)
- Medialab case studies (Data for Culture, Appetite for Radical Change)
- reproducible research (versioning and documentation)
- data formats (spreadsheet tables, csv, json, geojson)
- basic transformations – transposition, wide-to-long conversion, csv to json, shp to geojson
- data inspection and exploration
- survey data cleaning (OpenRefine)
- geocoding of postal addresses (Google API)
Exploring the unique Bratislava data sets, we designed interactive maps that may be helpful in Bratislava city studies.
The workshop has been developed in collaboration with Waldek Węgrzyn.